Welcome To
Making You Powerful

MYP welcomes you and applauds you for identifying your issues and your decision of seeking solutions to them. You have already taken the first step which is very crucial to start the ball rolling. Sooner or later you will have a panacea in your life… Please check below if MYP can be of any help to you.

About Us

What is ‘Making You Powerful’ – It is a drive towards humanity to reduce helplessness and empower people to attain prosperity, peace and tranquillity.MYP though focuses to bring a turnaround change but it will still applaud its associates and itself if we together are able to bring a delta change even. It was felt that people are in dire need of help/ guide/ mentor…

…The crux is, we all need trainers, guide, and experts to make our life easy. So, MYP will play that role and is on a humble path of ‘Making You Powerful’ through an exciting journey and thorough Hand Holding.

(Green paint: Collapsable, where it seems write up is long, pl put in collapsab)The founder of MYP since his childhood had miserable feeling looking/ observing the helplessness of people on several issues. He believes 75% of the issues of a common man can be resolved patiently if guided properly. We in general are not trained for long term vision and are unable to plan our actions suitably. Our short sightedness is generally one of the reasons of our stress/ helplessness/ unpreparedness. Of course there are several other things which we will learn across the various sessions. MYP not only tries to explore and expand the horizon but generally focuses on training and Hand Holding the associates.

The founder has observed that life is nothing but a skill like other skills but it needs to be understood that it is a skill. It can be learnt like any other skill and it requires practise. Just like learning a new skill. Once you learn the skill it becomes easier to tread fairly. Right from the childhood, we are provided training of everything but no training for life is being provided in a structured way. Rather, very few people identifies that life is a skill and that has to be learnt. We start getting training from walking, speaking – ‘ma, pa …’, holding pencil/pen, practising letters, sentences , speeches, numbers, counting, formulas to whatnot until we are in job. Again, augmentation starts in job by means of various training to sharpen business, professional and personal skills. But we are not imparted training on life. Though short duration trainings upon life, work life balance are provided in good organisations. But they are highly inadequate. We don’t get wired on the trainings imparted and reach to square one after very short time. For everything new in life we take training and refer manuals but we do not take training of life itself which is ever new every moment. Neither, we have manuals. Even if we have some manuals (say self help books or religious books) but many of us are unable to correlate them with our real and practical problems. We waste time in doing hit and trial method. There are mind coaches who generally provide the generic guidelines as already mentioned in the self help books. Again, we find our self at loss in connecting them with our real issues. Also, many of the times skills like riding a bicycle, driving a car or any skill is mostly not as easy to learn with manuals itself. We need trainers, assistants, helpers. But, hardly have we looked for any trainer for our life. Result is apparent. Around 95% of the people in world are in need of panacea. 5% are intelligent enough to observe and understand by self and enjoy the life.

Our Mission, Vision & Values

To make people powerful and alleviate helplessness, sorrow, and pain.

Helping and assisting people building and finding ‘sellable’ passion. Prosperity and harmony for all. Help identify the available resources, add resources, integrate available resources and technologies and means to simplify life in tune with the concerned person seeking support.

Contentment, Kindness, Compassionate, Reasonable, Just and Legitimate

Listening to your problems and bottlenecks, exploring reasons, setting right codes & habits of our users/ associates connect with real problems to find solution. 24 nos. weekly hourly sessions are being provided with practicals in real life. 10 additional hourly sessions will be provided if required upto 1 year from the date of enrolment at no extra cost. There will be unlimited nos. of consultations. Thereafter, one can opt for annual subscription for unlimited nos. of consultations for a year. This is optional but highly recommendable.

Why engage with MYP?

  • Unable to get up in the morning or get out of any addiction.
  • If you think you can do something and are unable to do it for a long time or feel challenged because of one reason or the other every time. If you are stuck up somewhere in life and feeling overwhelmed.
  • Unsatisfied in life & want to lead a satisfying life and relationship. If you find some gap/ Un fulfilment in your life. If you Don't feel confident and unable to focus. Unable to find someone to share with your issues or emotionally broke.
  • Lacking positivity in life, lacking positive drive, having negativity around you. If nobody appreciates you.
  • Unable to find passion.
  • If you understand the importance of a mentor/counselor/ guide in life and need a mentor to grow faster and safer. A person may be very talented, but he or she needs a controller/ mentor/ guide to perform faster, better, and with stability. That's why great people have a group of counselors!
  • USP – Customised solution for every person/ we try to connect the dots to complete a picture you require/ we focus on broken circuits of your life to glow

Who should engage with MYP?

Anybody having the above issues should engage with MYP. However, we sincerely recommend to people as below

  • Useful for students particularly of classes 8th grade and above.
  • Useful for Parents of students below class 5th.
  • Students who don't like to study. Working people who don’t like their job.
  • Couples/ people who have decided to marry.
  • Persons having high uric acid. Must for them.
  • Corporates or any group of business can connect to empower their employees and enhance the output.

If one of the above points makes sense, join MYP to connect the dots in your life to make a complete story.

We will together work/Hand Hold on core/ basics and connect to a solution. Please do not expect an overnight turnaround. If it happens, it will be your luck! Everything will be very systematic and natural to your satisfaction. MYP USP – “Your satisfaction is our satisfaction”.

How MYP helps you ?

To know how, please book your seat at the upcoming webinar NOW. Why NOW? Because you desire to achieve your goal as early as possible. Any delay now could keep your dream life away from you or significantly delayed.

100% Solution not guaranteed in every case but definitely we will work together to maximum possible extent.

MYP Team